" " " Maine's Waterfront Real Estate News: Cool Stuff: Sail a "Windjammer" Along the Coast of Maine

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cool Stuff: Sail a "Windjammer" Along the Coast of Maine

I am partial to ocean sailing, especially on classic wooden boats -- plus there is no question that Maine has one of the most spectacular coastlines to be found anywhere. What can be frustrating to many landlubbers is that very little of it can be seen by automobile. Between roads and highways that seldom hug the shoreline and the scarcity of public lands and public access to the ocean, a person is hard-pressed to even get a glimpse of it...

So, maybe fortunately, the best way to view this spectacular rockbound coast is by sailing along it. Many of the "tall" ships and coastal sloops from the golden age of sailing in the 1800's and early 1900's have been restored and are available for day trips and vacation voyages.

We like to take visitors for an afternoon sail out of Camden harbor on the schooners Olad or Appledore or Surprise -- a very inexpensive way to give "awayers" a great experience and a peek at Maine's scenic beauty from the sea. A few Friendship Sloops (the original lobstering boats) also provide exciting day trips.

For a never-to-be-forgotten vacation, sign up for a several day cruise on one of the magnificent schooners listed below. You can help crew, enjoy bountiful meals which will include a lobster feast, anchor in protected coves, explore coastal villages or uninhabited islands -- and all at reasonable prices.

For information about these vessels and their sailing packages, check out the following websites:

Schooner Rachel B. Jackson (Bar Harbor) www.downeastsail.com
Schooner Margaret Todd (Bar Harbor) www.downeastwindjammer.com
Schooner Lewis R. French (Camden) www.schoonerfrench.com
Schooner Mary Day (Camden) www.schoonermaryday.com
Schooner Bagheera (Portland) www.portlandschooner.com
Schooner Jenny Norman (Rockland) www.sailmainebugeye.com
Schooner Heritage (Rockland) www.schoonerheritage.com
Schooner American Eagle (Rockland) www.schooneramericaneagle.com
Schooner Isaac H. Evans (Rockland) www.midcoast.com/~evans/
Schooner J & E Riggin (Rockland) www.mainewindjammer.comS
chooner Nathaniel Bowditch (Rockland) www.windjammervacation.com
Schooner Stephen Taber (Rockland) www.stephentaber.com
Schooner Victory Chimes (Rockland) www.victorychimes.com
Schooner Timberwind (Rockport) www.schoonertimberwind.com
Schooner Olad (Camden) www.maineschooners.com
Schooner Grace Bailey (Camden) www.mainewindjammercruises.com
Schooner Mercantile (Camden) www.mainewindjammercruises.com
Schooner Mistress (Camden) www.mainewindjammercruises.com
Schooner Appledore (Camden) www.appledore2.com
Schooner Angelique (Camden) www.sailangelique.com
Schooner Surprise (Camden) www.camdenmainesailing.com
Schooner Annie McGee (Southwest Harbor) www.anniemcgee.com
Schooner Sylvania W. Beal (Eastport) www.eastportwindjammers.com
Schooner Kathryn B. (Rockland) www.midcoast.com/~kathrynb/
Friendship Sloop Integrity (Harpswell) www.mainelobstering.com
Friendship Sloop Alice E (Bar Harbor) www.downeastfriendshipsloop.com
Friendship Sloop Helen Brooks (Bar Harbor) www.downeastfriendshipsloop.com
Friendship Sloop Amity (Belfast) www.friendshipsloopamity.com
Friendship Sloop Sarah Mead (Muscongus Harbor) www.sailmuscongus.com



Elizabeth said...

Hey there Les... Thank you for the shout out. I've been enjoying your blog for awhile now! Great list of schooner! Hope to see you sail on ours someday.

Fair winds,
Maine Adventure Sails

The Voyage of The WANDERBIRD said...

Hi Les. Nice blog and thanks for the list of cruise vessels in the mid coast Maine area. Please add the 12 passenger vessel WANDERBIRD as she sails,(motorsails!) along the beautiful coast as well. Our website is at www.wanderbirdcruises.com

workhard said...

Great blog here..

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